The M2 QLMN is ultimately validated by an 18-week internship on a research project.
Students: How to find an internship?
Below is the link to the secure site listing the internship offers. You’ll find also some other documents concerning the M2 (general presentations for instance)
Researchers: How to submit an internship proposal?
Internship proposals should be sent to the head of one of the Master’s tracks: Rosa Tualle-Brouri ( for Light and Matter, Sylvia Matzen ( for Nanodevices and Technologies and Pierre Seneor ( for Condensed Matter and its interfaces.
Proposals can be written according to this template :
this template can be written in French or in English, and should be sent in PDF format. The title of the file will be kept: please put the essential information (example: Lab-Name_keyword.pdf ). The internships last at least 18 weeks from March or April and give rise to the writing of a report and a defense.